Brainspotting Therapy in Dallas, TX

Brainspotting Therapy Dallas, TX

If this sounds like you…

You feel so let down sometimes by the idea of therapy. People either rave about it or they say it doesn’t work. Your experience has been somewhere in the middle. What you know is that you need change and you need it now. You want something that works.

…then let’s talk about Brainspotting and how it’s turning therapy on its head!

Hi! My name is Amanda, and I believe Brainspotting can help.

Amanda Stretcher, MA, LPC-S Brainspotting Therapy in Dallas, TX

Brainspotting has changed my own practice in such a beautiful way.

Because I believe in your own mind-body’s ability to heal itself, I use Brainspotting as a tool for connecting you with your innate healing wisdom. Brainspotting allows for an unwiring of the pathways that have created trauma networks in your brain, moving distressing memories to proper, long-term storage in your brain as opposed to keeping them attached to the present moment.

It’s like a part of you doesn’t know something from your past isn’t happening in the present. We want to help put it back in the past where it belongs.

One of my favorite things about Brainspotting is its flexibility. There are so many different ways to setup for a Brainspotting session and so many uses. As your therapist, I value continual learning, actively pursuing as many trainings and consultations as I can so I can best help you. In therapy with me, you can expect creativity and collaboration, and Brainspotting taps into both of these areas!

Request a consult for Dallas Brainspotting and let’s explore how Brainspotting can help you with trauma, anxiety, performance and creativity enhancement, or addiction.

Brainspotting therapy in Dallas, TX.

Connect with me for a Brainspotting consultation in Dallas, TX.

I’d love to explore if Brainspotting could be helpful for you in your therapy. As mentioned above, Brainspotting has many applications outside of emotional and physical trauma, including for anxiety, performance and creativity enhancement, and addictions. Fill out our Contact page and I’ll reach out to schedule your free 15- minute phone consultation to explore Brainspotting as a part of your therapy in Dallas. My other specialties include trauma therapy, anxiety therapy, therapy for disordered eating, and the Safe and Sound Protocol.

Here’s what happens in Brainspotting

Brainspotting is a brain-based therapy, and in my time training and using Brainspotting, I’ve seen it lead to change for many individuals, including myself. Brainspotting is grounded in the idea that “Where you look affects how you feel,” as identified by its founder and developer, David Grand, PhD.

In using Brainspotting together in therapy sessions, you can generally expect me to use a pointer to help you focus on a fixed eye position. That eye position pairs with a body sensation associated with whatever it is you’d like to work on - maybe an unresolved issue. Somewhere you’re stuck. We want to find the point where you feel the body sensation the strongest. From that point, I will provide you with mindful attunement while we follow anything your brain brings up. In our Brainspotting sessions, we will typically use biolateral music delivered through headphones for relaxation as well as integration of your left and right hemispheres during processing.

If you’re still curious…

You may still be wondering “Why Brainspotting?” Let’s look closer at a few things…

After the brain, the eyes are the most complex organ in the body with the fastest moving muscles.

For therapeutic change, we want to be able to engage the midbrain. You may know something, but we need to let your whole system know that something at a deeper, more internal level.

Because our visual pathway has an anchor in the midbrain, locating Brainspots with our eyes give us access to that deeper, more internal level. It’s like accessing a file, holding that file open, and allowing you to process and reconsolidate what’s in that file, helping you form new neural pathways.

So think about if you have a cut. You’re going to clean it, treat it with Neosporin, and cover it with a bandaid. But subconscious healing continues within your body after you’ve done that, helping your wound to close. In our sessions, we’ll work together to help equip you with resources, but Brainspotting is like accessing that healing within your mind and body that allow you to truly recover.

I love sharing about Brainspotting. Request a consult for Brainspotting therapy in Dallas for more information!

Brainspotting Therapy for trauma and anxiety in Dallas, TX

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